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Prayer for the 150 years of the Confederation of Canada

Oração pelos 150 anos da Confederação do Canadá


To God the father and mother of all nations,

Creator of all leaving beings,

Today, together, in our respective sacred places,

As Companion Dioceses united in faith

In two dioceses of continental dimensions,

We thank you for so many blessings

During these 150 years of the Confederation of Canada.

We thank you for the abundance of fertile land and crystal clear waters;

For the cultural treasures of so many nations that live in this land.

We also wish to thank you for the achievements of the indigenous people

over these 150 years,

who, through many struggles, gained their place

as political and religious leaders.

But we ask for forgiveness for so many injustices

committed against the indigenous populations.

“If our history is a shadow,

Then may this moment serve as light.”1

In this time of healing and of the construction of a legacy of hope,

We want to be the lamp that is placed on its stand,

Where it can give light to all peoples.

“If people spent more time trying to understand,

they’d come out with more of a willingness to help work toward a solution

that works for everybody”.2

May God give us the discernment to understand each other

And to search for solutions of peace

And of the construction of a more equal world.

We are also grateful for the thousands of refugees

Being accommodated in the country,

In the face of so much suffering in their native land.

And in the midst of so many festivities and commemorations,

We unite today, oh God, in prayer.

So that over the next 150 years,

We can light many lamps to guide this nation towards Peace.



1 NadyaKwandibens, a legendary first nations artist from the AnimakeeWaZhing Nation

2 Jean La Rose, citizen of the First Nation Abenakis ofOdanak. La Rose is COE of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network